A substantial part of the daily programme is allocated to the workshops. In the past we have had a diverse and interesting collection of workshops. Previous workshops have included: theatre, cooking, sports, land art, music, circus, photography, drawing and painting, building, philosophy, poetry and many more!
The workshops take place during the mornings. The workshops are always hosted by one or two staff members and/or participants. Each workshop has six or seven sessions during the camp, with an average duration of two hours per session. The workshops are concluded by a presentation at the end of the camp, during the Social Evening. These summer workshops offer you the chance to develop new skills, try out new things and showcase your talents.
Twice during the camp this time is dedicated to “alternative workshops” where participants and staff can offer a workshop in anything they would like. These take place in the afternoons after the usual workshops in the mornings. In the last couple of years these have included different types of dancing, yoga, sport, massage, literature, kick boxing, music and many more.